Showing posts with label Basic Social Sciences. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Basic Social Sciences. Show all posts



1.      Understanding Social Coating

Stratification Stratification or term derived from the word " Strata or Stratum "meaning layer. Because it is often translated as Social Stratification society coating. A number of individuals who have standing (status) of the same according to the size of the community is said to be in a layer or stratum.
According to Pitirim A. Sorokin, the coating is a difference in the community or society into classes arranged in a stratified ( hierarchis ).
According Theodorson et al., In the Dictionary Of Sociology coating the mean levels status and relatively permanent role contained in the social system (from small groups to communities) in terms of the difference the right influence and power.
Berintrafikasi society is often portrayed as a cone or pyramid, where the bottom layer is the most wide and it narrows to the top layer. [1]

2.      Coating the Social

The process of society can occur by itself or deliberately intended to pursue a common goal. Coating system that occurs by itself is run in accordance with the growth of the community itself. In this coating one's position on a strata is to happen automatically such as old age, due to land ownership, intellectual ownership over land or relatives opener.
While the coating is purposely organized society usually refers to the distribution of power and official authority in formal organizations. This system can be seen in government organizations, party organizations and associations other official. [2]

3.      Coating System According to Its Differences

a.      Coating system is a closed society

In this system does not allow the transfer of a person from one layer to another layer. In this system the only way to become a member of a layer in society is because of the birth. This system can be found in the people of India who knew the caste system. Starting from caste Brahmin, Kshatriya and Vaishya and Sudra Paria. Coating system is also closed we can find in the feudal society or community-based realism.

b.     Coating system is an open society

In this system the people are given the chance to fall to the layer below it, up to the layers above it. This system can be found in Indonesian society today. Each person is given the opportunity to occupy any position if he is able. And if he is not able to maintain it then he would step down.Position obtained by their own business called " Arclevea Status ".

c.      Mixed system of social stratification

Social stratification limits the possibility of the transfer layer on a particular field, but let the layers to make the shift to other fields. [3]

4.      Basic Walks of Life

Size or the criteria used to classify people into a layer are as follows:

a.   Dimensions wealth. Whoever has the most wealth, he includes the top layer.For example, seen from the house.
b. Dimensions of power. Whoever has the most power or has the authority, he will occupy the top layer.
c.   Dimensions honor. Dimensions honor is not possible regardless of wealth and power. The people of the most respected and revered got the top spot.This size is usually found in traditional societies, the elderly or those groups who contributed.
d.   Dimensions of science. sized science made ​​by people who appreciate science. [4]

5.      Elements of Walks of Life

The things that embody elements of the coating system is:

a.      Position ( status )

Position is the position of a person in a social group. The people generally develop three kinds of positions, namely:

1). Ascribed status is a person's position in society without showing rokhaniah differences and abilities. This position can be acquired by birth. For example, the position of the son of a nobleman is aristocratic.
2).  Archieved Status is the position reached by someone with a deliberate effort. This position was not obtained on the basis of birth, but it is open for anyone who depends on the ability of each to achieve its objectives.For example, anyone can be a judge as long as it meets certain requirements.

3).     Assigned status means the status accorded a group or provide a higher position for someone who has contributed to meeting the needs and interests of the community. However, sometimes the position is given to a person who has long occupied a certain rank.

b.     Role ( role )

The role is a dynamic aspect of the position. If someone runs the rights and obligations in accordance with his position, he runs a role. Between the position and role can not be separated, because one depends on the other.Vice versa, the social position more points to the position, while the more social role refers to the tasks that must be executed by the holder of social standing. [5]

6.      Some Social Theory Coating

Form coating kongrit society there are several kinds. While there are scholars who reviewed the form of coatings based on just one aspect. For example, the economic / political aspect only. But there are also people who share coating as follows:
a.      Society consists of the upper class ( upper class ) and lower class ( lower class ).
b.    Society is composed of three classes of upper class ( upper class ), middle class ( middle class ), and the lower class ( lower class ).
c.   Whilst we often hear is top class ( upper class ), middle class ( middle class ), and the lower class ( lower class ).


1.      Similarity Degrees

Astria explained that the degree of social is the result of social status and the result of his position. Being one notch consequence obligation to act. Due to its position which is offset by the role carried out, then the person has and is entitled to occupy a certain degree. [6]
            The nature of the relationship between humans and the environment reciprocal, meaning that the person has the right and obligation to society and government and the states. Rights and obligations are guaranteed by the Constitution and applies to everyone without exception in the sense that every person has the same degree. This equality will be realized in the assurance of the rights granted in various sectors of life.The right is a lot known as Human Rights.

2.      Elite and Mass

a.      Elite

Elite in a general sense is a group of people occupying high positions in society. Meanwhile, in a special sense is the elite group of leading people in certain areas and in particular minorities who hold power.
Elite is a minority of individuals who are appointed to serve a collectivity u in a socially valuable.
Various elite holders outline strategies as follows:
1).      Political Elite (the ruling elite in achieving the goal). The most powerful is usually called elite of all elites.
2).   Elite economic, military, diplomatic and scholars (those in power or have influence in that field).
3).   Elite religion, philosophy, educators and community leaders.
4).  Elite can provide psychological needs such as artists, writers, movie characters, athletes and entertainment figures, and so on. [7]

b.     Mass

Mass term is used to denote a collective grouping of other elementary and spontaneous, which in some ways resembles the crowd . But the fundamentally different from him in other things. Mass is represented by those who participated in the mass behavior as they are terbangkit interest by several national events. They are spread out in different places. They are interested in an event as provided in the press or those who participate in a migration in a broader sense. [8]


Ahmadi, Abu. Basic Social Sciences . Jakarta: PT Rineka Copyright, 1991.
Noor, Arifin . Basic Social Sciences . Bandung: CV. Faithful Reader, 1997.
Rohman, Arif . Sociology III SMA . Klaten: PT Intan Pariwara, 2003.
Soelarman, Jojo . Basic Social Sciences . Bandung: PT Eresco, 1993.
Soekamto, Soerjono . An Introduction to Sociology . Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 1996.

[1] Abu Ahmadi, Elementary Social Studies (Jakarta: PT Rineka Copyright, 1991), 196.
[2] Munandar Soelarman, Basic Social Sciences (New York: PT Eresco, 1993), 90.
[3] Arif Rohman, Sociology III SMA (Klaten: PT Intan Pariwara, 2003), 121.
[4] Soerjono Soekamto, An Introduction to Sociology (Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada, 1996), 262.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Arifin Noor, Basic Social Sciences (New York: CV. Loyal Reader, 1997), 169.
[7] Ibid ., 209.
[8] Ibid ., 213.


Family is the unit / unit of the smallest which is also a small group in the community.Family gives rise to individuals with various forms of personality in society. In general, a family consisting of an individual (husband), other individual (wife) and children who have always tried to maintain a sense of security and peace in the face of all the ups and downs of life together.
            Family as a group of individuals is the first known direct influence over the development of the individual before and after the plunge in society.

The family of functions , namely:

1.  Keeping perspective and individual attention to the needs of both those that are essentially organic / psychological.
2.   Preparing everything that there is a direct / indirect with individual education.
3.  Fostering Individual trend lines by observing individual ( trait ), in order to develop potential. Also maintains towards the ideals and instill good habits and right to achieve that goal.
4.     Be a good reference for the well emulated the pride of the local community.

So the family is not only the successor descent but more than that is the main source of education. The basic form consists of a family: a married couple plus their children who have not kawin___ada sometimes stepchild / children angkat___dan usually live in the same house. Such a family is called family incest in anthropology / nuclear family. (Koentjaraningrat, 1977:65).
From the observations made ​​in several villages in Central Java coupled with the results of Geertz in Mojokerto (East Java). In general, the Java community is the family incest family incest were monogamous. There is also a polygamous family incest but not many (Geertz, 1976:131). Monogamy is a form of marriage partner consists of a husband and a wife. Polygamy is a form of marriage partner consists of a husband with multiple wives. polyandry is a form of marriage partner consists of a wife with many husbands.
Family incest in Central Java community does not have the same position. As a measure of valuation is its own kitchen, that cooking alone, free to set their own household, their own needs, their own domestic economy regardless of whether it had inhabited the house alone or with a silent house with another family. Families that do not have their own kitchen is not considered as a stand-alone social cohesion.(Koentjaraningrat, 1977:105).
Public recognition of the position of family incest as a stand-alone social cohesion is important, as long as they have not been recognized for the economy entered into a separate, yet invited to salvation, not to be included in the count. A similar situation is found in East Java (Geertz, 1961:41).
Family incest in the Java community, there is a customary procedure for the division of labor within the family setting. My husband used to be head of the family.Although husbands assume the role as head of the family, does not mean the wife has a less important role. Javanese people found husband and wife should work together for the safety of the family. (Koentjaraningrat, 1964:151). Husband and wife co-manage property assets both innate and acquired property together.
Status as head of the family is not always occupied by her husband. People who sekerabat usually comes from one of the couple, were outsiders who are members of the nuclear family is the domestic (labor / messenger) who live with the nuclear family.

The function family can be classified into two types:

1.     Functions that can be executed by their own families.
2.     Functions that can be done either by the family itself and that can be done by other social institutions.

The number of second family type functions a lot more than the first family type functions. Examples of the type of unity is reproduction, ie the effective functioning between husband and wife. While the example of the second type is the socialization and enculturation (the absorption culture / process by which people consciously or not, to learn the entire cultural community). This activity unless the family can also be carried out by religious institutions, schools, groups of friends and so on.



SOCIETY is a group of people who have had the order of life, norms, customs equally adhered to in its environment. The life and the norms that they have that is the basis of social life in their environment, so as to form a group of people who possess a typical life.
            A group of people can form a clan, it could be from different ethnic backgrounds.In the growth and development of a society can be classified into the simple and advanced society (modern society).

1.     Simple Society

The characteristics of the simple ( primitive ), namely: the pattern of division of labor tend to be differentiated by gender, the decline stemmed from a background of weakness and physical abilities between a woman and a man in the face of the challenges of the wild nature at the time. Example: hunting and fishing in the ocean is a tough job that requires courage, skill and physical endurance ability is strong.Therefore, the second line of work is a monopoly of the work of men. Other examples of cutting down trees, clearing land for agriculture and cattle raising large fields.While the household, breastfeeding and caring for children, knitting, weaving, making clothes is the work of a woman. Another example of women's work is to make goods such as woven baskets and collecting wild vegetables, fruits and animals mussels (M. Amin Sutaarga, 1960:41-42).
If at the time of processing of agricultural land (farm / garden) worked together, the heavy work such as clearing land, removing fallen trees done by men. Women working on a light-light, for example, spread seeds, grass menyiangio (Raymond Firth, 1961:120).
With such a background, it is clear that between husband and wife and the wife of fellow division of labor occurs with an acceptable agreement with each other.

2.     Advanced society

The characteristics of the advanced societies ie: has a variety of social groups / organizations, which grow and evolve based on the needs and specific objectives to be achieved. Community organizations can grow and develop to the coverage of national, regional or international.
In advanced societies can be divided into non-industrial society and industrial society.

a.  Non-industrial societies

Non-industrial social organization can be classified into two groups of primary and secondary groups.

1).    Primary Group

The characteristics of the interaction between the primary group members more intensely intertwined, tighter, more intimate. Group members often engage in dialogue, face to face. Attitude patterned interaction in primary groups based on kinship and more sympathy. Division of labor / division of labor bestowed on the group accepted voluntarily, not forced, and with awareness, responsibility. Examples of primary groups: families, RT, study groups, religious groups.

2).    Secondary group

The characteristics of the secondary group that is among secondary group members adrift interconnected indirect, formal, less family-oriented. The division of labor, the nature of the interaction between group members is governed by rational considerations, objective. The members accepted the division of labor / tasks based on skills, expertise and dedication. Because it is necessary to achieve the targets and objectives that have been in flot in programs that both have agreed. Examples of secondary groups: political parties, trade unions associations (unions), professional organizations.
Within this group are known the official and unofficial groups. The core difference it is: an unofficial group did not enjoy official status and are not supported by the Constitution and Bylaws. While the official group instead of an unofficial group.
However, the group also has an unofficial division of labor, roles, and certain hierarchy, certain norms to guide the behavior of their members and the conventions, but it is not formulated explicitly and in writing as the official group (WA Gerungan , 1980:91). Example: all social groups, associations / organizations. Civil society organizations that have a Constitution and Bylaws is the official group. If instead, the group unofficially called.

b.  Industrial society

If the division of labor gets more complex then that's a sign that the higher the capacity of the community. Solidarity is based on the symbiotic relationship between community groups who have known specialization. Kind of autonomy is characteristic of parts / industrial communities. Autonomy can be defined by the type of skill / expertise independently owned one, to a certain extent. Examples of bakers, cobblers, turner, welder, engineers, electricians and expert dynamo. They can work independently. With the emergence of functional specialization, the less well the collective ideas to be expressed and worked together.